Liposuction- Its Medical Benefits And Possible Side Effects

Cosmetic surgery is a field of medical science that has expanded over the years and is continuing to evolve. The growth in this sector has led to the growth of science and the formation of the human shape. This medical field consists of various cosmetic treatments or procedures, with each of them serving different parts of the body and functions. Let’s discuss one of the most opted-for cosmetic treatments worldwide, liposuction, aka lipoplasty.

What Is Lipoplasty Or Liposuction?

The cosmetic procedure of liposuction aims at enhancing the size and shape of the body. It involves taking the fat deposits out from different parts of the body. This procedure treats any body parts like the belly, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, back, chin, etc. You can undergo this treatment for more than two body parts in a single day. If you are looking for this treatment, then you should check out the services of Stratus Plastic Surgery Dublin Ohio.

It is not an obesity treatment and does not pull out cellulite. It does not eliminate stretch marks and dimples. It is a cosmetic surgery with one main aesthetic objective – the betterment of the body’s contour. It extracts fat cells out of the body permanently, reshaping the patient’s body. However, one can remove only a limited volume of fat for safety reasons.

Criteria You Need to Fulfill if you Want to Undergo Liposuction Treatment

First and foremost, you need to have good health for undertaking liposuction for any part of your body. You should not be obese; that is, you can weigh more up to thirty percent of your optimal weight. Your skin should be healthy. This procedure works most efficiently for patients with firm and supple skin; otherwise, the skin on the treated area may become loose. You should avoid smoking.

It requires you to have a strong immune system as well. Surgeons would not recommend you these procedures if you have any health problems like diabetes, thyroid, any heart illnesses, problems in blood flow, etc. You need to be at least eighteen years old to undergo this procedure.

Medical Benefits of Liposuction

Although liposuction is carried out mainly for cosmetic reasons, it can treat a few medical conditions as well. Some men have fat assembles under their breasts, which can be treated by liposuction. Lymph is another long-term and chronic medical situation where an excess amount of fluid gets accumulated in tissues and causes swelling.

This condition generally happens on the thighs or arms. So, liposuction lessens swelling, soreness, and irritation. It can treat fatty tumors or lipomas as well. Lipodystrophy syndrome is a condition where body fat settles in particular body parts and is absent in the other parts. In such cases, liposuction can help in healing by distributing the fat evenly in the body.

Probable Risks of Undergoing Liposuction:

There are a few possible side effects or risks of the procedure. It can cause inflammation, which can take around six months to heal. You can have allergic reactions or skin burns after the procedure. You might get an infection or have a lot of bleeding. It may also make your skin look bumpy and withered.

Therefore, you should take both pros and cons into careful consideration and then make a decision.

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