Shokran Parwani is off to a near perfect boxing career. His record? 15-0. In those 15 victories, 12 have ended in knockouts. Shokran, born in Afghanistan, is working to continue to build off of his recent rise to stardom and hopes to raise Afghanistan’s flag in the ring on the international level. If his work ethic is any indication of his future successes, Shokran will be raising that flag high for many years to come.
Social media has afforded fans the ability to keep up with their favorite athletes, and many athletes have used their platforms to give inside access to their daily lives. If you are a fan of boxing, following Shokran on social media is a must.
Shokran is approaching 100,000 followers on Instagram and uploads new content daily to keep his fans and supporters current. His Instagram provides daily snapshots into his unique boxing workouts, weightlifting and cardio routines, and hand-eye exercises. Shokran understands the importance of athlete branding in 2021, and his brand is clear: “NO BOXING NO LIFE.”
As his stardom continues to grow, the boxing world can expect Shokran’s worth ethic to continue to flourish as well. Shokran said of his commitment to boxing, “[t]raining is as natural as breathing and laughing.” While breathing and laughing may come natural to most, the ease at which Shokran embraces the art of training is uncanny.
Shokran will look to showcase his hard work and dedication on the international level in his next fight, which is scheduled against Vikapita Meroro. Meroro is a veteran fighter with approximately double the amount of career wins as compared to Shokran.
Shokran shows no signs of worry, and why should he? He has laid the foundation for success, and the only thing next to do is improve his record to 16-0.
Follow Shokran’s journey on his Instragram (@shokranparwani) and Twitter (@shoranparwani).
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