The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second-largest country in Africa with a population of about 102 million. It was formerly called Zaire from 1971 to 1997. Congo gained its independence in 1960. It went through many civil wars among armed forces since 1993.
“In the first half of 2019, about 732,000 new displacements were recorded, 718,000 associated with conflict and 14,000 associated with disasters, posing additional challenges for the new DRC government,” says the United Nations.
Although Congo is one of the richest lands when it comes to raw minerals, Congolese people are one of the poorest nations in the world with a projected 2019 GDP per capita of USD 475. Corruption is very easy to spot, and, unfortunately, honest people always suffer.
I believe that anyone who chooses to steal, kill, or commit any kind of crime will pay the price sooner or later because you can never get away with falsehood.
It is a blessing that there are people in the world who are generous enough to help others who are less fortunate. The best example is Dr. Denis Mukwege who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018.
People who like to give charity or donate to a worthy cause should never take Congo out of consideration because life there is more difficult than anyone can imagine. There is nobody greater than a person who sacrifices for the good of others.
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