See How This Cardiologist is Making Heart Disease Easier to Diagnose and Monitor with A.I.

Heart disease is nicknamed the silent killer for a reason. Many people have risk factors for cardiovascular disease that they are not even aware of. However, more men have access to help and information regarding signs and symptoms than women. Women’s heart health is a bit different from men in regard to symptoms and risk factors.

Because of misinformation and improper or under-diagnosis of heart problems in women, cardiologist and researcher, Dr. Amod Amritphale is advocating for women’s heart health, and creating an A.I. program tool to help people treat and identify heart issues.

Women carry high risk for cardiovascular disease disproving the myth that heart disease is of greater risk for men. Approximately one woman will die from heart disease every minute or 1 in 3 women every year. The symptoms of heart problems are very different in men versus women and a lot of times it isn’t known, or as obvious as it is in men. Physicians misdiagnose or under diagnose heart issues in women all too frequently.

“We have to work on advocacy to assure that women can have the resources and diagnostic tools they need to stay healthy and have access to treatment,” Dr. Amritphale states. “Women won’t receive the care and treatment they need if they aren’t properly diagnosed and that cuts their lives very short.”

As the director of the Women’s Heart Program at the University of South Alabama and the University Hospital in Mobile, Alabama, and as an Interventional Cardiologist, he can provide extensive literature for highlighting the issue. “I have taken up the onus to educate women of middle age to teach them the signs of heart disease and preventive methods so that they can seek help before it is too late,” he says. 

What’s different about Dr. Amritphale’s methodology is that not only is he advocating for, treating, and making preventative changes for women and their risk of heart disease, but he is also doing so using computer algorithm programs that he designed. He is also the Director of Cardiovascular Research at the University.

“I am involved in extensive research. My focus of research is “Use of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in making better decisions in the field of medicine” and I am also using national databases like HCUP. I use this program to develop algorithms that help identify patients who are at increased risk of bad outcomes so that we can preemptively identify them and help them before the worsening of disease processes occur.

This helps people live better and live longer and prevents untimely or early death,” Dr. Amritphale says. This method is uniquely his, and he is revolutionizing how people can detect, treat, and determine cardiovascular treatment success with these programs he uses in daily practice. Dr. Khanijao, a prominent Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease specialist from Maimonides Medical Center, New York said “Dr. Amritphale’s research and algorithms can be used in multiple other fields beyond medicine. Our society will gain countless hours of productivity with just the introduction of his AI algorithms and improve on-the-job productivity.”

With various cardiovascular treatments and surgical processes, Dr. Amritphale is able to detect and predict whether or not patients will need to return for an unplanned readmission with his artificial intelligence computer algorithm. From the abstract from his academic study, he and his team of researchers had successful results.

“We present a novel deep neural network-based artificial intelligence prediction model to help identify a subgroup of patients undergoing carotid artery stenting who are at risk for short term unplanned readmissions. Prior studies have attempted to develop prediction models but have used mainly logistic regression models and have low prediction ability.

The novel model presented in this study boasts 79% capability to accurately predict individuals for unplanned readmissions post carotid artery stenting within 30 days of discharge,” (Amritphale, A., Chatterjee, R., Chatterjee, S. et al. Predictors of 30-Day Unplanned Readmission After Carotid Artery Stenting Using Artificial Intelligence. Adv Ther (2021).

Dr. Amritphale’s research using artificial intelligence is truly path-breaking and he is on the top of his endeavor with international acclaim. Researchers world over are following in the footsteps of Dr. Amritphale’s research and new areas of research are opening up linking BigData, Artificial Intelligence, and Medical Sciences.” said Dr. Harsh Bhartee, a prominent Internal Medicine physician and Sleep specialist from Missouri. 

This innovation is the next step to making sure women’s heart health is properly researched, recognized, diagnosed, and treated. His advocacy and computer algorithm are seventy-nine percent accurate to determine the healing, successes of a treatment, and any risk factors that would bring the patient back within thirty days after cardiac stenting surgery.

Women’s heart health is often overlooked, resulting in preventable early deaths. Dr. Amritphale is trying to change that. With his efforts as a doctor and researcher, he is combating ignorance and helping so many people get the treatment that they need and live longer with heart conditions. He is an authority in the field and leading this endeavor worldwide.

Especially the section of patients with advanced heart disease, he has presented a pathway to use invasive mechanical therapies that have laid the foundation for many researchers worldwide. (Amritphale A, Amritphale N. Refractory Angina: the Current State of Mechanical Therapies. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2019 Apr 22;21(6):46. doi: 10.1007/s11886-019-1134-8. PMID: 31011835.)

Dr. Amritphale’s research will also save the United States billions of dollars in healthcare costs. “ “By improving the operations of healthcare facilities and medical organizations, Dr. Amritphale’s AI models and algorithms can reduce operating costs and save money. It is estimated that Dr. Amritphale’s research using AI and big data could save United States medicine and pharma industries up to $100B annually” said cardiologist Dr. Alexandra Joseph.

AuthorJosh Manning

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