When it comes to what you’re genuinely gifted at, what your superpower is – you need to stand strong and firm in your ability and confidence. Future clients and business partners are going to search for someone and want to partner with a master of their craft. I am not saying to be arrogant or cocky by any means, of course, especially because it’s so important to always remain a student.
But, think about it: if you are searching for a marketing specialist, are you going to be drawn towards the guy in the back of the room who never talks about what his craft is (people will never find him), had minimal references, and, when you bring up rates, has no idea what in the world to charge you or even the questions to ask to figure it out? Or, are you automatically pulled towards the person who exudes confidence, has loads of social proof because they put themselves out there every day (also how you improve), can easily discuss the investment to work with them, and go over all the details like it’s their ABC’s?
Sometime last year, I was tagged in a Facebook post of someone looking to hire a copywriter. Excited about the opportunity, I start a conversation with the business owner and their partner about what they were looking for. Now, my approach to how I delve into my work is unique to ME. I have a specific process that enables me to write the most authentic copy possible so that the reader and consumer really feel the passion behind it as if the owners themselves wrote it. I call myself the “Mindful Copywriter”.
I digress – I am asking the questions I always ask to get a solid hold of the brand and its mission. But the business owners really were wanting it quick and dirty. They were NOT interested in answering any of my questions, and they quickly dismissed me and told me to send them copy I can come up with by just looking at their website. They would evaluate everyone and their rates, then get back to me.
Well, first of all, I had many problems with this. Sending FREE WORK is a major red flag. But, we will get into that another time. I am all for sending references and samples of previous works, but not free work for a random prospect.
Secondly, I kindly but confidently explained to them that anybody can go to their website and regurgitate phrasing into copy, but I have a specific process that enables me to really hone in on the things that MATTER in sales copy for more than just simply drawing people in for the sake of sales, inauthentically. I told them if they changed their minds, they knew where to find me.
This was the first time that I really embraced my confidence in my craft, and I never forgot it. Am I the best copywriter there is? Hell no! I have SO much to learn, and there are tons of writers who FAR exceed my skills. The point is, we all have our own way of using our own superpower. And it is incredibly important to be CONFIDENT in what your gift is.
Want to know what happened with that potential client? They came back and asked me to write for them.
I ended up turning them down due to creative differences and their ingenuine approach to their consumers. 😉
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