From Homeless to Multimillionaire: Austin Godsey’s Secrets

In two years, Austin Godsey went from living on the streets to becoming a multimillionaire. From troubled beginnings to now guiding thousands of people in Forex trading, Godsey harnessed the power of network marketing to make his own mark on the world. Godsey shared his tips for making it to the top.

Embrace the Struggle and Learn From the Hustle

Austin was raised by a single mom from the age of 2, switching to 13 different schools in a span of just 12 years. Godsey dropped out of school at 17 and turned to the streets, going from trouble to trouble, arrest to arrest, and drug to drug. When he found out his girlfriend was pregnant, they were forced to make a home in his 2009 Volvo Turbo. Change began to come when, on the day of his release from his last visit to jail, Godsey was introduced to network marketing by a friend. With the pressure of his impending child looming above, Godsey began to hustle like he had never hustled before -burdening work, sleepless nights, facing rejections and financial hardships, meeting and leaving friends, finding mentors, going through a process of self-development, gaining new business associates, and eventually making millions.

Building a Team Will Build You an Empire

Nowadays, Godsey spends most of his time helping people learn about trading in the foreign exchange and cryptocurrency markets. Social media not only proved to be a successful business platform for him, but it has also helped him and his company gather an international team of over 10,000 people. Since starting his venture in network marketing, his company built its huge team by visiting over 40 countries and numerous cities.

It All Comes Full Circle

Years later, Godsey is far away from that 2009 Volvo Turbo. Motivating thousands of people at events around the globe, Austin shares his journey and teaches about various strategies that worked for him and his business. Most of all, he now spends time with his 5-year-old son, Aiden, traveling to numerous countries and cities together, living amazingly enriching experiences with him that he had previously only dreamed of.

The nitty-gritty? Don’t be afraid of your beginnings – they’re what give you character, and they’re what give you fire. If you build a team of people around you and help them grow, they will, in turn, help you. No matter what, it all comes full circle. Keep going.

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