How Azruddin Mohamed is Using His Success to Help Others

The challenges that come with being an entrepreneur are many. From being responsible for everything to being ready to fail, the road to entrepreneurship can be very difficult. While many people dream of starting and being able to carry out a single business, Azruddin Mohamed has not only started numerous ventures but also succeeded in them. So, who is Azruddin? And how did he get where he is?

Azruddin’s business portfolio is nothing short of incredible. He owns a construction company for government contracts and several lay-down yards that he rents out to oil companies. Speaking of oil companies, Azruddin owns a massive office building that he rents out to world-renowned companies like Exxon Mobil. He also rents out apartment buildings and houses to everyday citizens and owns The City Mall in Georgetown, the country’s capital. These accomplishments have cemented Azruddin’s spot in the Guyanese real estate world.

In addition to real estate, Azruddin is the biggest gold dealer in the country, dabbles in foreign exchange through his Cambio in Guyana, and owns the consortium at Vreed en hoop. Azruddin has been able to flawlessly juggle these companies, some of which he’s been operating for over 20-30 years. But building thriving businesses isn’t the only passion this entrepreneur has.

Growing up, Azruddin was always a fan of fast and powerful cars, and he transformed that love and passion into this work by elevating the standard of motor racing in Guyana. This and the numerous other business ventures Azruddin has been involved in have all taken off and been extremely successful. All this success has skyrocketed Azruddin in almost every avenue, and he is now a billionaire. You may sometimes come across millionaires or even multimillionaires; however, becoming a billionaire makes it clear that your work has truly made an enormous impact.

However, the picture is bigger than just money for Azruddin. He says his main purpose and a driving factor right now is to give back to his community and his country. Azruddin wants to donate to less fortunate people and communities.

When talking about challenges, Azruddin mentions that you should not surround yourself with people who are comfortable with their position and achievements. He says that in order to grow, you should always be around people who want to achieve more and are not yet comfortable with where they are in life. Azruddin also mentions that growth in terms of knowledge and wisdom is also crucial, these are areas that will continue to enhance us, and we need to grow in every way possible.

Azruddin mentions that going to extremes isn’t a good idea. You should strike a balance between work and play. Azruddin says that you should take calculated risks while also having a relentless mindset to get the job done. These are traits and tips that you should incorporate to help you succeed. Moving forward, Azruddin is working to do better for his community and help them get better opportunities.

With everything Azruddin has done so far and all that he has planned, he will be remembered as an entrepreneur and a philanthropist who changed a lot of people’s lives.

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