How Dr. Ourian Became the Go-To Cosmetic Surgeon for Hollywood Stars

Plastic surgery is one of the fastest-growing industries on earth. Everyone from A-list Hollywood Celebrities to your favorite Instagram influencer is hopping on the trend of cosmetic procedures. And as the trend becomes more popular among celebrities with millions of fans, one can only assume that the trend will continue to explode for the foreseeable future. After all, who doesn’t want to look better then they do now?

How Dr. Ourian Found Himself at the Center of This Booming Industry

Dr. Ourian is the cosmetic surgeon behind the faces of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Inside the walls of his Epione office in Beverly Hills are framed pictures of celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, and plenty more. Celebrities swear by his work, but one has to wonder how he got so big in the first place.

Passion Meets Expertise

Dr. Ourian grew up with a love for art – sculpting, in particular. After immigrating to the United States with his family in the 1980s, Dr. Ourian dedicated his childhood to his medium of choice: clay.

But after some convincing from his parents, Dr. Ourian decided it would be a smart move to earn a medical degree instead of pursuing a career as a sculptor. This would turn out to be the smartest move he ever could have made. Because after earning a medical degree from Wayne State University in Michigan, Dr. Ourian began his residency training at UCLA where he discovered the field of laser aesthetic surgery.

It was the perfect blend of the two skills he had dedicated his life to. Sculpting and surgery. He sees his craft as an art form and the face of his patients as his clay. He credits his expertise in human anatomy and the classic art of sculpting for his ability to achieve a natural beauty look in his patients.

Fillers and Injectables Are Dr. Ourian’s Weapon of Choice

Cosmetic surgery used to look a lot different than it does today. In the past, patients went under the knife in order to improve their appearance, but Dr. Ourian’s practice is less invasive and more effective. Dr. Ourian uses fillers and botox in order to sculpt his client’s face, similar to how he would sculpt clay. In fact, he works with clay in order to determine what would look good on his client, and then uses botox and fillers to create the appearance of raised cheekbones and reduce wrinkles. 

Now that surgery is minimally invasive, it’s much more common for celebrities and influencers to share their procedures online with their fans. Often times, Kim Kardashian even posts about her late-night visits to Epione that have become common occurrences.

A Chance Meeting

While Dr. Ourian put himself into a great position in order to achieve success, he has also benefited immensely from the hype train that is the Kardashian family. It all started when he met Jonathan Cheban, a good friend of Kim’s and the man now behind the wildly popular @foodgod account on Instagram. Jonathan introduced Dr. Ourian to Kim, and they have developed a strong relationship ever since, with Dr. Ourian being featured on Kim’s Instagram along with features on her family’s reality TV show ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’.

Social Media Fame

With an Instagram account that now boasts over 3.5 million followers, Dr. Ourian has leveraged the power of social media to grow his personal practice as well as his Epione skincare line. His Instagram shows a lighter side to medicine, which people seem to resonate with. And when they see some of the before and after pictures of his clients, it’s hard not to be amazed. He showcases clients that agree to be featured on his Instagram but only asks clients that he believes will have nicer results and a significant change of appearance. And while he is well known for his facial surgery, he also shows off various treatments such as his Coolaser skin resurfacing treatments and Coolbeam stretch mark removal treatments. 

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