Lewie Does Show With Hip-Hop Mega Star Lil Durk

Lewie a native of Washington State, recently did something few artists from the Pacific Northwest have ever done. Performing a sold out show with Chicago’s Lil Durk in Oklahoma City. Lewie has been making power move after power move in the past 18 months but this may be one of the biggest so far. A Tacoma native Lewie is bringing attention to not only his hometown and Seattle but all of Washington State.

Seattle had an incredible run about 20 years ago with the likes of Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix and others making a rise to mainstream fame and notoriety. Since then however the city has fallen from musical grace and has only spawned a few new musical talents to the ears of national listeners. Lewie is building momentum and seems next in line with the likes of artists like Lil Mosey and Travis Thompson to break through the gray clouds hovering over the city.

Performing with Lil Durk and collabing with Calboy are just a couple of the accomplishments Lewie has achieved in recent months. He recently signed a major record deal and has been building up his vault to release new music with an even greater reach and impact.

We can’t wait to see what Lewie has in store next over the next year with a label team behind him, not many ever make the plays he did as an independent artist within the hip-hop space. You can stream his latest releases below and watch his music video with Calboy.

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