In 1941 the Ad Council emerged as an organization that could bring the entire advertising industry together for social good. The Ad Council’s most iconic Ads include the Crash Test Dummies, Smokey Bear, and the “Just Say No to Drugs” campaign.
Cathy Hackl, Chief Metaverse Officer, Joins the Ad Council
Yesterday, the Ad Council announced the election of 18 new members to the Board of Directors. Amongst the list that featured representatives of McDonalds, Lowes, H&R Block, and many more was Cathy Hackl, the Chief Metaverse Officer at Journey.
Amidst Scandals and Fraud, The Metaverse Marches On
While the crypto world is still in shock from this week’s FTX fall from Glory, the Web3 march continues on. According to Cathy in her book Navigating the Metaverse, “the Metaverse is a convergence of our physical and digital selves.” She explains further that “social, commercial, and personal experiences emerge through Web 3.0 technologies.”
Many view the metaverse as open worlds and games like Decentraland and Somnium Space. Others would argue the definition is much broader than that. Whatever our definition of the Metaverse is, it’s becoming clearer that it is here to stay. More and more brands are starting to develop Web3 strategies to not miss out on the latest technologies and no sectors will be left out. Fashion, auto-repair, and healthcare are just a few of the many industries already making moves into the metaverse.
The Godmother of the Metaverse
Cathy Hackl is a globally recognized metaverse and web3 strategist, tech futurist, and speaker. She has experience working with companies like HTC VIVE and Amazon Web Services. At Journey she leads the Metaverse Studio working with the world’s top brands on metaverse and web3 strategies. Some notable clients of Journey include Walmart, Warner Media, and HBO Max.
Whether you’re a Web2 business owner, or simply an investor, the Metaverse is not something that can be shelved for the time being. Large companies are onboarding now and taking initial steps to make sure their Web 3 presence exists.
Should You Be Crafting Your Web3 Strategy?
The short answer is, maybe. If this question has popped in your mind before then probably yes. At the very least, companies should understand the metaverse and know that its coming. Hiring a consultant to simply bounce ideas around is not a bad idea and still relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, many Web2 companies will wait for a metaverse boom to occur then find themselves on the bottom of large waitlists in order to get their brand onboarded. The time to prepare and build is during the bear market. At the very least, know what you might be missing out on. With Cathy now joining the Ad Council, it’s likely the Metaverse will soon have a catchphrase that lasts for generations.
“You Could Learn a Lot from a Dummy,” but don’t be one this time around.
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