Young Syed Shaban Bukhari Naib Shahi Imam of the famous Jama Masjid, Delhi, Spreading Humanity in COVID-19 Era

Jama Masjid of Delhi has a rich history right from the starting; Emperor of India Shahjahan built it in the 16th century. From the past 400 years, Bukhari family has given their best for the community spreading knowledge and peace across the country from past 400years for India’s caste.

To handle such a big position, you have to be extraordinary and Nation lovers like Bukhari family. Their son Shaban Bukhari taking on the Shahi Imam post is a huge thing because it comes with responsibility and this 26 year Shahi Imam is sure of all the guts and knowledge to take this forward for the betterment of the community and India.

Syed Shaban Imam Bukhari is currently focusing on helping families who are affected due to covid-19. When we see personalities like we see the beauty of Islam and what is real Islam. We need more young personalities to come forward, spread love, peace and work for the Nation with a whole heart. To become a Naib Shahi Imam at this age is not a small thing. He is not taking this as a hereditary gift. He has proved that he is best in every corner and best-suited personality for Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid.

Syed Shaban Bukhari’s 13 generations have shared their knowledge and become supreme Islamic Theologists of India. From the first Shahi Imam Late Syed Abdul Ghafoor Shah Bukhari to Syed Shaban Bukhari, everyone served India and did the same even after independence.

In this pandemic era, Syed Shaban Bukhari is constantly working for society. He has provided people with food and other necessities and has been actively helping people during the trying times. His love and loyalty for his religion and people around have helped him earn great respect and love from all of them.

Unti now, Bukhari’s family has shown lots of discipline, spreading love and peace across the world. Now it is Syed Shaban Bukhari turn to do the same, and we feel he will take this responsibility and showcase the world what real Islam is.

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